Iodised Salt 25kg Bag Bulk Packing

Iodised Salt 25kg Bag Bulk Packing



467 in stock



  • Iodized salt is salt that contains small amounts of sodium iodide or potassium iodide. It’s normal salt that has been sprayed with potassium iodate. It looks and tastes the same! The majority of table salt used nowadays is iodized, and it comes with many benefits.

Benefits of Iodized Salt to Your Health

  • Iodized salt is essential for your health, but you should have it in moderation. Iodine is a trace mineral common in dairy products, seafood, grains, and eggs. People combine iodine with table salt to reduce iodine deficiency. There are many other health benefits to using iodized salt in your diet, as well.
  • Boosts thyroid function. Your thyroid gland relies on iodine to increase the production of thyroid hormones, like triiodothyronine and thyroxine. These hormones are vital to your health, as they regulate blood pressure, body temperature, and heart rate. Proper bone and brain development in pregnancy and infancy are also dependent on these thyroid hormones. Lacking iodine in your diet may also cause enlargement of your thyroid gland. This condition is called goiter.

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100 Gm


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